
The world is facing two environmental crises: the threat of climate change and the destruction of nature. Corporate citizenship can help solve these issues. Over half of global gross domestic product is at risk due to the loss of nature, proving that restoration should be an economic priority.

As the world moves toward a more sustainable economy, companies are recognizing the importance of addressing the environmental issues that threaten the world’s natural resources. To help achieve this, the UN is launching a Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The UN launched the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration to address the various threats facing the planet. It aims to help prevent mass extinctions and poverty, as well as combat climate change and improve the quality of life for all people. Through this initiative, companies can create jobs and improve the environment by investing in forests.

While it’s important to protect the environment, investing in forests can also help companies prepare for the effects of climate change. As governments around the world introduce new regulations aimed at addressing the issue of climate change and nature loss, it’s important that businesses remain ahead of these changes.

Investing in these forests can help boost a company’s profitability and provide customers with higher levels of loyalty. Through the sale of sustainable forest products, companies can also earn significant commercial and environmental returns.

Through the protection and restoration of forests, businesses can help improve the reputation of their organizations and increase their profitability. They can also help create jobs and improve the environment by investing in communities that are affected by the loss of nature. Many companies are already investing in projects that are designed to restore and manage forests. These include the establishment of sustainable forest management and the sale of sustainable forest products.

One of the most important factors that companies can consider when it comes to implementing this strategy is the integration of socially responsible and ecologically sound practices.

Through the use of sustainable practices, companies can improve their resilience to various risks and opportunities. This can help them develop new strategies and improve their profitability. 

Due to the increasing demand for sustainable practices from customers, a $150 million guarantee fund was created by Dutch bank RBL to help support the development of agri-business operations. This fund is part of a larger initiative that aims to de-risk investments and loans made in the agriculture supply chain. Mastercard also launched a program that aims to restore 100 million trees over the next five years.